Editorial Design

With two decades of experience creating intricate editorial layouts, I've honed the delicate artistry of pairing powerful photography with elevated typography. However, one project stands out as an unparalleled privilege—crafting the compelling cover and in-depth layout for a thought-provoking story that exposed the persistent hurdles faced by trailblazing women in the sciences. This endeavor was more than an honor; blazing a trail of inspiration through insightful storytelling.

Eos Magazine, a science news publication produced by the American Geophysical Union ("AGU"), was going to feature an article on the career challenges women in the earth and space sciences face as their cover story. I was given the headline text, anticipated article length, and some images to work with. Everything else was for me to develop.

Print publications always come with a hard deadline. For this assignment – one of many I was delighted to do as acting Art Director for AGU – I had a limited timeline to design a cover and feature article layout that would serve the client and the subject matter. This one would be a cover story on studies referencing difficulties and biases faced by women in the earth and space sciences. Indeed, the headline referenced a 'mountain of molehills' they encountered, and that analogy was my cue.

I chose an image for the cover to provide enough space for the headline. I then integrated that headline into the cover by shadowing the text behind the mountain and the climber's backpack (rather than just sticking text over the image). I selected colors that would correspond and naturally blend with the image.

The easy part of the main article was selecting two images of women literally climbing mountains. The image features a red-orange backpack, and I chose to carry that color throughout the article because it's attention-getting. The opening 'spread' uses that red-orange prominently, and the slant of both the background and the columns of text further reinforces the 'mountain' analogy of the headline and cover design. I decided that the headline text would be white except for the word "Illuminate," done in yellow as a visual reinforcement of the headline.

It was a pleasure to design an article that resonated with me and allowed me to incorporate my love of design theory and photography!